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Writer's pictureGeoffrey D. Calhoun

In the Spotlight: Lindy S. Hudis

As screenwriters, we are the purveyors of emotion. Our job is to create a character that an audience connects to on an almost primal level of empathy/sympathy. We then weave a tale around that character which puts the audience through a perpetual roller coaster until the inevitable climax. That is exactly what Lindy does. She creates a character that her readers become invested in which is one of the many reasons why I am so excited to introduce you to her.

This is Lindy S. Hudis...

Mini-Bio: I am a graduate of New York University, where I studied drama at Tisch School of the Arts. I also performed in a number of Off-Off-Broadway theater productions while living in New York City.

I am the author of several titles, including a romantic suspense novel, Weekends, my "Hollywood" story City of Toys, and my crime novel, Crashers. My upcoming release, "L.A. Foxx: Hollywood Underworld" is the first installment of a crime, mystery series.

I am also the author of several erotic short stories, including "The S&M Club", "The Backstage Pass", "Guitar God", "The Guitarist", and "The Mile High Club". My short film "The Lesson", which I wrote, produced, and directed, was screened at the Seattle Underground Film Festival and Cine-Nights in 2000.

I am also a former actress, having appeared in the television daytime drama "Sunset Beach", also "Married with Children", "Beverly Hills 90210" and the feature film "Indecent Proposal". My husband, Hollywood stuntman Stephen Hudis, and I have formed our own production company called Impact Motion Pictures, and have several projects and screenplays in development. I live in California with my husband, two children, four cats, one dog, and one leopard gecko.

Q: How did you stumble upon screenwriting?

I have always loved movies. I came to Hollywood in 1992 to break into acting, but when I got married I just sort of fell into writing. I was pregnant with my daughter, and mostly sat around with nothing to do, so I thought I would give writing a try. I started out with short stories, then novels, and now screenplays.

Q: Who/what inspired you into taking this path?

I’m just basically a weirdo who likes to make up stories in my head, lol. Seriously, it has always been a fantasy of mine, but I didn’t really think I could do it. I literally thought, ‘why not?’. So, here we are.

Q: Who was the first person who believed in you?

My Father-In-Law, that Late, Great Norman Hudis (the Carry-On series, Marcus Welby MD, The Man From Uncle, CHIPS). I remember showing him my first pages and being very nervous. He was very supportive and encouraging. He told me I had potential and that meant so much to me. So, with his blessing, I put my ideas down on paper.


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Q: When was the moment you knew you wanted to be a screenwriter?

I always knew I wanted something to do with movies. Sitting in a dark theater as a child I would get so inspired and moved. Movies are simply magic to me. I have always wanted to be part of that magic!

Q: How do you define success for yourself?

Being able to earn a living at my craft and to conquer my inner demons who keep telling me that I can’t do it. I think every artistic soul has those annoying self-doubts. I know I do. Success to me is being able to never second guess myself, to follow and trust my instincts, and a lobster dinner on the beach every once in a while sounds good too!

Q: Give us a typical day in your life:

Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl? Early bird! I have a dog that needs to pee!

When do you get up? Around 5:30 or 6:00. Cats want their breakfast after the dog goes potty.

Do you have a morning routine or ritual? I have coffee while checking my email. Then get kids ready for school. When the house is quiet I can get some writing done.

What do you do at night? Have myself a glass of wine and watch Forensic Files for research.

Do you have a pre-bed ritual? Just Tylenol PM

How do you define a successful day? When I feel that I have accomplished something. Getting my chores done, getting the family fed, cleaning my house is pretty therapeutic to me. If I can get some pages written, then the day is successful to me.

Q: What’s been the most important skill you've developed on your path to screenwriting? Character development! I get very involved with my character on an emotional level, but every writer as to some extent. If your characters can’t create a feeling in a reader or audience member, then you have failed as a storyteller, in my opinion.

Q: What’s been the greatest challenge in your writing so far?

Finishing my script/novel. I have procrastination down to an art form!

Q: What’s been the greatest reward in the choices you've made?

Being an official selection for Script Summit is pretty darn amazing!

Q: What do you want to learn from a community of your peers?

I just appreciate the camaraderie among my fellow artists. They always inspire me to keep plugging away at my craft and my dreams when I feel drained. I just really appreciate the support I have been getting so far.

Screenwriting Resources


  1. The Successful Screenwriter Podcast - (Episodes)

  2. The Guide For Every Screenwriter - (Paperback) (Free Ebook)

  3. We Fix Your Script - (Free Consultation)

  4. InkTip - (List your script)

  5. International Screenwriting Association - (ISA Connect)

  6. WriterDuet - (Screenwriting Software)

  7. Bulletproof Screenwriting - (Script Coverage)

  8. Indie Film Hustle Academy - (Screenwriting Courses)

  9. Krista Keller Talent - (Management)

  10. The Robb Company - (Management)

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